Sunday, September 10, 2006

It may take 20 years. But al-Qaeda's days are numbered.

Are al-Qaeda's days really numbered? A part of me wants to believe that indeed say 20 years from now Osama bin Laden's name will just be in the history books and there'll be serenity and peace reigning between the middle east and America,but part of me thinks this war will never end just like the rest of the wars in this world. Its intriguing how the world always seem to have the theoretical answer to solving problems but yet implimenting it is quite a hassle.

I am one of those who believe in peace talks and say that if people talk and negotiate, a better solution can be reached. I wish this war in the middle east, America and in the rest of the world would just end. In fact, i believe that all parties should come to an agreement and compromise for the sake of all those who get caught up in this war web and end up paying with their own lives. Lives of innocent people should not be paying for the fight of power between those who want to be the main or only rulers.

What is more in these cases? Those calling the shots or those losing their lives? Whose names should be in history books? Osama bin Laden, George Bush or Sarah Matthews-just an ordinary woman whose life paid for this war?

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